
Green Appleton Repair Cafe

Thank you!Once again, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came to our Repair Cafe on Saturday, and made it such a success. And a particular shout out to Rob Deacon, our sharpener, who stepped in at short notice and did a terrific job sharpening what seemed like most of the garden tools in the village. We really hope to keep him on the team!
You can see some summary stats in the graphic, and photos below, but these can't convey the lovely atmosphere of people coming and having a conversation and a cuppa while their repair was done, and repairers clustering around a particularly challenging item and sorting it out together.
Thanks also to those who donated cake, and their time in running the event and the cafe. It made it feel really welcoming.
It really looks like this will become a regular event, so watch this space for details of the next one!

Activity in the February Repair Cafe

We monitor what people bring us, and how successful the repairs are. A summary of these is shown in the graphic below, which shows that more people came and stayed than last time, and that sharpening was an immensely popular service, especially so since spring is coming (beleive it or not).


Photos of the Repair Cafe

Here are some photos of our second Repair Cafe, which will hopefully give you a flavour of the event. And if you're not in them, where were you? We had lots of cake, generously donated, tables to sit at with flowers on, and a team of 8 repairers to apply their expertise - including Rob the sharpener, who came at short notice and did more work than anybody. Thanks to everyone for their efforts, and to you of you came, with repair, or just to see what was going on.

