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St Laurence

Welcome to St Laurence Church, Appleton with Besselsleigh

A growing church at the heart of the community

History of St Laurence Church

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For nearly a thousand years our beautiful church has been at the heart and soul of village life. St Laurence Church remains a special place for many people here today.

Lawrence was among the seven deacons of the Roman church serving Pope Sixtus II, whose martyrdom preceded Lawrence’s by a few days: they were executed during the persecution under the Roman emperor Valerian. It is said that Lawrence gave the church’s treasures to the poor and the sick before his arrest. Although Lawrence was probably beheaded, St. Ambrose of Milan and the Latin poet Prudentius, among others, recorded that he was roasted to death on a gridiron, remarking to his torturers at one point, “I am cooked on that side; turn me over, and eat.”

The church was built and developed over several centuries, going back to the 12th. The oldest part is the nave.The arches are transitional Norman (about 1180); the pointed arches rest on round pillars. The carving on the capital of each pillar is different. On the north side of the nave is the aisle - this was rebuilt and the north chapel added in 1612.


ST LAURENCE CHURCH Appleton with Besselsleigh
Registered Fairtrade CofE Church 


Who to Contact

For enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, burials, pastoral care and home communion, please contact the Rector, Wealands Bell: 07588 598277; rector@stlaurencechurchappleton.org
For matters concerning the church building and churchyard, please contact one of the Churchwardens: Jane Cranston: 01865 863681; jane@cranstonjane.co.uk; or Pete Day: 01865 862671; phm.day202@btinternet.com
You can also contact:
Safeguarding Officer Annewen Rowe: safeguardingofficer@stlaurencechurchappleton.org or
Treasurer Anthony Harris: treasurer@stlaurencechurchappleton.org

How to Find Us

map of Appleton

St Laurence church is in the middle of Appleton village, down at the bottom of Church Lane, past the school.
Church Lane turns off Eaton Rd, on the right on the way in from the A420, after the road bends round the Manor.